Sunday, October 01, 2006

The recycling odyssey

The mission
To behave responsibly and take a few computer stuff that I don't need any more and give them a fresh start in life as recyclable items.

In the leafy surroundings of Kilburn and West Hampstead, London, United Kindom

A tax-paying inmigrant ready to use a non-polluting and inmensely satisfying transport

A short lived Canon i350 printer, a couple of obsolete Intel Pentium III processors, hard drive, floppy driver, a bunch of alkaline batteries and a few other widgets.

The odyssey

I started peddaling furiosly. I always admired how cab drivers find their way from my house to the Royal Free Hospital or viceversa. Well, I tried to emulate them but my navigating skills needed frequent visual checkings of my personal GPS: a neighbourhood map I took at a tube station.
When I reached Hampstead Heath High Street and saw all those European-dressing like people, I knew I was going to make it. It was a matter of negotiating the narrow Savernake Road and reaching Gospel Oak.
Oops, that trolley needs a recycling job too!

Finally, Regis Road gave me a welcome with this fancy offices...

...and the target, the depot!

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